2023-03-10 17:48 ARCH.МЕДИА

Sustainability & Resilience in construction

Sustainability and resilience in construction [Planning theory and Sociology]
Introduction The topic of sustainability and resilience is extremely relevant today and is gaining more and more popularity. Competent consumption of resources, both natural resources and physical means, is the main goal of creating and implementing concepts of sustainability and resilience. Everyone makes their own contribution to development and improvement.(Rafinadi, 2014: 119) Farmers influence the concept by producing food available to a large segment of the population, while using sustainable technologies in production. Doctors provide a health function by increasing the average life expectancy of people. Economists create a potentially growing economy and decentralization of jobs, and educational programs convey knowledge and create a competent workforce in various specializations. Everything is interconnected and has a direct impact on the realization of the goals of the concept of sustainability and sustainability in general.(Plessis,2002: 2) The construction industry is one of the largest and most significant in terms of impact on the environment. When creating the appearance of cities, it is important to correlate construction processes with concepts, thinking over an ergonomic image of a modern city with the use of functional areas that are relevant for a modern person. Optimizing activities in accordance with the concept of respect for natural and human resources can have a significant impact on the achievement of goals at the global level. (Plessis,2002: 2) Important to add that in Russia this topic is poorly developed, and it is important for architects to understand the concept of sustainable construction, to change the reality and to make the environment surrounded by high-quality urban spaces.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Sustainability and Resilience theories Any concepts are mechanisms for changing progress and development.Resilience and sustainability must go together hand in hand to achieve success in their theory. Complementing each other, setting the course for general development and solving timely tasks, we can avoid a lot of problems in the future.(Romero-Lankao., Gnatz, 2016: 3) While integrating the different aspects of urbanization, sustainability, development, and climate change cities have an ability to prevent shocks and stresses and recover from them. As it is said in the ICLEI book, using these steps, society will strive for a joint result and sustainable development. Spheres of our life have to be improved: in environmental well-being, such as nature and the environment, air quality, climate and energy. (ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, 2018: 5) Important to notice, that the resilience concept dates back to 1973 environmental theory of Holling. It is also generally accepted that the Resilience concept is adopted to enrich the concept of sustainability, as well as expand this concept and add additional details to the idea of sustainability, making it more suitable to adapt the modern realities of the world around us. Also, it is usable in a more local context: realization of global goals should be adapted to the speciality and needs of each individual urban space and its communities.(Bibri,2018: 38) The page of “ UN Documentation: Development”it is written that sustainable development recognizes that eradicating poverty in all forms and dimensions, combating inequality within and among countries, preserving the planet, creating sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and fostering social inclusion are linked to each other and are interdependent.( (A/RES/70/1, para. 13) These concepts have a lot of similarities and differ only in a few details.According to similarities, they both provide the ability of a system, community or society to resist, timely adapt, transform and recover after the danger, in an effective manner, including preserving and restoring its basic elements. Both concepts share the same research methodologies and both match the 17 goals of sustainable development.Also the theories are global and can be adapted to specific tasks in a specific way. (Bibri,2018: 38) Regarding the differences in concepts, Resilience responds to shocks that appeared at a given time in a real context and stresses brought about by rapid environmental, technological, social and demographic changes, which can be caused by natural phenomena or socio-economic crisis. At the same time, Sustainability aims to achieve a world where these problems will need to be addressed less and less.(Elmqvist,2017: 302) To conclude, Resilience has more practical application, giving an understanding of how to act in the moment. But Sustainability is more theoretical in nature and describes what the world and our society should strive to come to. Resilience plays a role as a tool for becoming more Sustainable.
1.2 History and regulation It is important to know when and where the concepts were published and how they changed over time. There were conferences where ideas were discussed. Important event for the spreading of the concept was the Brundtland report. Another is AGENDA 21, 1992. On their web-site page they say it is:”a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally”. (United Nations, 2015). Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of Principles for Sustainable Management held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sustainable theory was firstly introduced in 1987 in the “Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future”, also known as the Brundtland report. It was introduced when the world realized that people cannot spend resources infinitely, otherwise limited resources will run out. Proper use of resources should slow down the process of their exhaustion and renewable resources will have an opportunity to increase their volume. According to the Brundtland report, sustainable development refers to development which meets our current needs, this topic is discussed in online-magazine “Barilla”. (BCN Foundation, 2017). Also there is the world's best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030 called “Тhe 17 sustainable development goals”.The program consists of 17 goals that are a call for action by all countries - poor, rich and middle-income - to promote well-being while protecting the environment. Their strategies build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, equality and job opportunities, while solving climate change and working to preserve our ocean and forests.(SDGS) Each goal contains a series of aims that must be achieved within 15 years. To achieve them, the joint efforts of governments, civil society and business are needed. We can highlight the most significant goals for architects and the City planers. Firstly, I highlighted the 8th goal of economic growth and the creation of a large number of jobs for both skilled workers and those without special education specialties. Secondly, the 15th as the global goal of construction involves the use of a large amount of natural resources, as well as changing the landscape of the territory by building it up, then representatives of this sector should make every effort to minimize their mark. Goal № 12.2 sounds like “By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources in accordance with which it recommends the use of renewable resources and the management of their consumption. Thirdly, I highlighted the 9th goal, which is responsible for innovative improvement and the creation of more affordable offers in the market, through the optimization of production processes.(SDGS) Of particular relevance to the construction sphere are points of purpose, such as № 9.1. to develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all. And of course, the construction industry has a direct impact on 11 global goals, creating an image of cities and territories in which we 5 will live for a long time. such as "By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums"(SDGS) . To sum up, endorsement of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is good news for environmental sociologists. Social, economic and environmental targets send a clear message about the importance of the social sciences and the need for genuinely multidisciplinary research and development programs.
1.3 Green, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly? The most established and popular concepts are sustainability and resiliance.But there are similar theories, more narrowly affecting specific aspects. Today it is quite difficult to distinguish features and differences from each other for an ordinary person, especially because of the inaccuracies of marketing companies promoting these theories to the masses through advertising campaigns for certain goods. The eco-friendly concept is ideal for the example. Information about Eco-friendly can be found on the website of Khoshbin group (Ratinkhosh R&D Team) It covers 3 areas in detail such as Enviromental friendly, Performance excellence and Socially Preferable. Sustanability is achieved by summing all aspects and matching them all equally. (this is about eco-friendly). Sustainability focuses on the future. It means the action or item is generating environmental, economic, and social benefits, while not causing pollution or using up too many resources. All these meanings are hidden under this one word. Eco-friendly is not so broad. It means that something does not hurt or harm the planet. For example, a product created from renewable resources is considered green, yet if a life-cycle review shows that it needed a lot of energy to manufacture and export to you, and if there is not a decent way to dispose of the product, then it is not sustainable. Regarding Lockie's S. thoughts we can conclude that eco-friendly is not so broad. It means that something does not harm the planet.But sustainable is the most precisely defined term here, and represents the wide scope of issues and activities that, according to the United 6 Nations, do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.(Lockie S.,2016: 5) Compared to ‘”green” and “eco-friendly,” sustainability has much higher standards. Sustainability includes eco-friendly activities and green products, but green does not necessarily mean sustainable. For instance, a product made from renewable resources is considered green, yet if a life-cycle analysis shows that it required a lot of energy to manufacture and ship to you, and if there is not a proper way to dispose of the product, then it is not considered sustainable.(Ratinkhosh R&D Team) To sum up, compared to eco-friendly and green, sustainability has much higher standards. Sustainability includes green products and eco-friendly activities, but green does not necessarily mean sustainable.
1.4 Criticism of the theory of Sustainability and Resilience The main points of criticism are that the concept of a theory is worthy and that the achievement of all tasks and goals will have a beneficial effect on the world around us, but it is also poorly implemented due to the lack of a clear plan of action. And in order to get a visible result, people must not only agree with it, but also take action to implement it together.( Romero-Lankao et al., 2016: 3) The article claims that today too much public attention is paid to the concept of Sustainability and Resilience, without correlating actions with proven methods.It is written that Urbanization and urban areas are profoundly altering the relationship between society and the environment, and affecting cities’ sustainability and resilience in complex ways at alarming rates. Over the last decades, sustainability and resilience have become key concepts aimed at understanding existing urban dynamics and responding to the challenges of creating livable urban futures. Sustainability and resilience have also moved and are now core analytic and normative concepts for many scholars, transnational networks and urban communities of practice. Yet, even with this elevated scholarly attention, strategies for bridging between research and practice remain elusive, and efforts to understand and affect change towards more sustainable and resilient urban centers have often fallen short. ( Romero-Lankao et al., 2016: 12) The article written by John C. Dernbach , who says “First endorsed by the world’s nations in 1992, this framework is intended to provide an effective response to the twin global challenges of growing environmental degradation and widespread extreme poverty. Sustainability provides a framework for humans to live in harmony with nature, rather than at nature’s expense. It may therefore be one of the most important ideas to come out of the 20th century. In the last two decades, the framework has become a touchstone in nearly every economic sector and at every level of government, unleashing an extraordinary range of creativity in all of those realms. Sustainable development is having a significant effect on the practice of law and on the way in which laws are written and implemented. Understanding the framework is increasingly important for law makers and lawyers. “ (Dernbach, 2015: 2) 7 In summary, the author condemns the concept for being voiced too vaguely without specifying a clear framework. This means that it can be interpreted as you like and modified to suit any needs. The author indicated that lawyers and legislators should be involved who can improve the structure and strengthen the framework of the concept for making more informed decisions in the future, based on the concept of sustainability and resilience. Also, criticism of the concept of sustainability and resilience concerns the global problem of climate change, and such factors as natural disasters, which cause billions of dollars in losses and a small number of deaths annually, are not taken into account. The authors of the “Building and Environment” book say: “The major finding of this review is that the integration process requires developing a new combined assessment tool or a thorough refinement of current sustainability frameworks to include resilience indicators that were not initially included. For such a unified framework to be established successfully, the active involvement of different stakeholders in all stages is necessary.” (Roostaie et al., 2019: 9) To conclude, the criticism of these theories takes place, but it can be used to improve and modernize silly sferes.

2 Examples

2.1 Construction regulation and urban planning Construction has a great impact on the environment, affecting both social strata and the natural component. And also is a type of activity, without which not a single settlement in the world can do. As a general example of these concepts, the International sustainability building certification can be highlighted. This is a trend and motivation for developers to increase the level of quality and create more organic structures. In order to minimize dismissiveness and so that the concept of sustainability is not forgotten in the future as something bad that many people have suffered, it is worthwhile to create organizations that have the right to certify the industry in accordance with the concepts of sustainability and resilience.(Kibert, 2018: 2) In this way, building regulation and urban planning have become green building standards. With the advent of standards, it became not enough for marketers to simply indicate to people only in words about the environmental friendliness of a building when conducting an advertising campaign. Now it is necessary to undergo certification from one or more licensing companies, which give their recommendations for improving the environmental friendliness of the building. The main criteria for assessing the environmental friendliness of a building are:
● Energy efficiency
● Water efficiency
● built-up area
● waste disposal
● ecological construction materials
● regional features.(Brand, 2017: 5)
But also, in order to obtain certification, the developer is obliged to comply with all regulatory requirements regarding labor protection, effective removal of construction waste from the construction site, protection of the formed buildings and people who are there throughout all stages of construction. Also obtaining certification stimulates the construction company to develop and create more competent personnel within the company, which contributes to an increase in average wages. All these mandatory parameters are provided by default for obtaining a certificate and failure to comply with such requirements can completely nullify all other achievements in creating a sustainable structure at different stages of construction. (Brand, 2017: 7)
2.2 International certification standards for construction and Urban planning. Here are highlighted main certification organizations with examples to understand the nuances and differences that are more emphasized by certain organizations, how certification organizations encourage construction companies to get involved in the structure of social sustainability, for example, by identifying the threshold of satisfying wages, social benefits or ensuring safety labor, and also to consider for each company for what purposes customers most often apply and what services, in addition to issuing a certificate, certifying bodies are ready to provide. LEED based in USA and The most widely used green building rating system in the world. One of the first organizations created in this profile and can be called as one of the most successful in introducing sustainable construction into our lives.On the web-site they say: “Better buildings equal better lives”. (USBC) Also they claim: “we believe green buildings are the foundation of something bigger: helping people, and the communities and cities they reside in safely, healthily and sustainably thrive. The heart of our green building community’s efforts must go well beyond construction and efficiency, and the materials that make up our buildings. We must dig deeper and focus on what matters most within those buildings: human beings”.(USBC) Drawing a conclusion from how the company characterizes its activities, first of all, the company's priority is to create a society in which there will be effective spaces that have a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional health of the masses of people. The global challenge facing the Leed team is to create cities in which we and future generations of people will live safely and healthy.The company places particular emphasis on materials used in construction, positioning this as the basis for environmentally friendly and sustainable construction.Subjects for certification are objects of new construction, for which a checklist is drawn up and the building is built based on environmental recommendations, including organizing labor protection and conditions for workers in accordance with the concept of sustainability, and also, which is important, must meet the requirements for minimizing the deterioration of conditions for an already formed area during construction work.92.2% The percentage of LEED-certified new construction projects that are improving energy performance by at least 10.5%, according to an analysis of 7,100 projects. Another famous company is BREEAM, which is based in Great Britain. The world’s first sustainability assessment method for buildings helps to protect natural resources and make attractive property investments. The company has already certified more than 591,986 objects and registered more than 2,310,404 objects in 87 countries of the world. This company is similar in function and also acts as a certification body whose certificate is generally recognized and rolled around the world.(Breeam) On the web-site they claim: “BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognises and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment lifecycle, from 10 new construction to in-use and refurbishment.BREEAM does this through third party certification of the assessment of an asset’s environmental, social and economic sustainability performance, using standards developed by BRE. This means BREEAM rated developments are more sustainable environments that enhance the well-being of the people who live and work in them, help protect natural resources and make for more attractive property investments.” (Breeam) To conclude, this company is truly international and its standards are universal and necessary for worldwide application. In addition to paying great attention to the technical features and manufacturability of construction and functioning internal systems. Breem always takes into account the terrain of the region in which the project is being developed, takes into account the economic characteristics of the country and selects implementable recommendations for certification around the world. The criteria for evaluation are directly related to society and future use. In addition to construction factors, it is taken into account in terms of parameters important for society, such as transport accessibility and the availability of medical and educational institutions, as well as the environmental friendliness of territories within walking distance. Also there is German Sustainable Building Council. Its a non-profit organization based in Stuttgart, ever since it was founded in 2007 the DGNB has been committed to demonstrably good buildings and urban districts that are worth living in. In straightforward terms, this means building an environment around ourselves with foresight. The company saya: “Our overarching aim is to promote change in the building and property market, engendering an appropriate understanding of quality as a foundation for responsible and sustainable action. The conceptual principles revolve around a holistic understanding of sustainability.”(DGNB) The conventional view of sustainability is based on a model consisting of three pillars representing economic, environmental and sociocultural aspects. This concept can also be applied to construction. Economic factors are about using buildings sensibly and looking at a property over its entire lifetime. In simple terms, environmental factors are about constructing buildings in ways that preserve resources and the environment. The key focus of socio-cultural factors is the user of a building. As a result, sustainable action is only really possible if all three of these pillars are considered and applied in harmony. To sum up, the company pays great attention to the sustainability of construction and its impact on the environment. At the same time, the main task for themselves they set is to achieve environmental friendliness of construction without significantly increasing the cost of construction relatively less environmentally friendly solutions, as well as helping the customer to save on further operation. I also want to mention Green Zoom. This is a non-profit organization that appeared in Russia. It is involved in the certification of buildings as foreign leaders. I am one of the 277 certified specialists and have been trained to improve the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of buildings.(Green Zoom) Process of certification includes: 11 energy modeling of the building with further recommendations for improving energy and water effectiveness, built-up area, waste disposal, ecological construction materials and regional features. It is a young organization that has received support from the Russian state, which also sees a need to improve environmental and social sustainability. To conclude, an important area of the company's development for the interest of developers in it is the economic feasibility of environmental solutions. The company pays great attention to saving on further operation, doing everything possible so as not to overestimate the cost with recommendations for improving environmental friendliness during the construction phase.
2.3 Sustainable construction with certified buildings examples It is important to consider the example of the real performance of a building certified by one or another organization focused on sustainability and environmental friendliness, and therefore social.Schneider Electric Technopole is a great example of a Leed certified building with the highest platinum certification rating. The object is located in France rue volta, 4 Grenoble. On its web- site it is written that when Schneider Electric France decided to move its Energy Business from Grenoble suburbs (part of the GreenOvalley building footprint reduction project), it began its path to LEED certification as part of the company’s corporate commitment to environment and energy efficiency. The project consists of four floors in an industrial campus located in Grenoble, France. Public transportation, bicycle networks (Grenoble City enforced development) and EV car sharing are available for the 500 employees who work inside the building. The office HVAC water-based system is made of two hybrid aquifer heat pumps. High efficiency, air handling units for chilled water and fan coil units were installed. Nine AHUs provide conditioned air for the spaces and for the 340 Fan Coil Units controlled zones (HVAC and Lighting controllers).More than 50 percent of the space has natural daylight and all artificial light is provided through LED lighting. To reduce the overall office footprint and encourage the use of alternative methods of transportation, there are covered bicycle racks at the entrance of the building and an additional 200 long term bicycle storage on the campus and electric car charging stations. Preferred parking also is offered to low emitting vehicles and those who carpool. To achieve LEED certification, the project was designed, built, inspected and commissioned by French building professionals together with internal Schneider Electric real estate team.”(Green Building Council) Unfortunately, Leed does not provide additional points for workers' salaries and labor safety, implying that they are mandatory by default, but from a social point of view, points are awarded as much as possible for the sustainability of new construction in the future, namely, its availability to infrastructure and a high-quality natural component, as well as energy efficiency are considered and the impact on the environment during the entire life cycle.
image from web-site:
One of the winners of Bream certified buildings in 2019 is Bloomberg London project.It is located between the Bank of England and St Paul’s Cathedral, Bloomberg’s new European headquarters occupies 3.2 acres and will provide approximately 1.1 million square feet of sustainable office space. (Breeam) On the web-site it is said that the technologies that have been applied are really impressive and make it really comfortable for staying and friendly to the environment, such as
● Breathing Building: when ambient weather conditions are temperate, the building’s distinctive bronze blades can open and close, allowing the building to operate in a “breathable” natural ventilation mode. Reducing dependency on mechanical ventilation and cooling equipment can significantly reduce energy consumption and provide future proofing.
● Smart Airflow: smart CO2 sensing controls allow air to be distributed according to the approximate number of people occupying each zone of the building at any given time. The ability to dynamically adjust airflow in response to occupancy hours and 13 patterns is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 300 metric tonnes each year
● Combined Heat & Power: an on-site Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation centre supplies heat and power in a single, efficient system with reduced carbon emissions. Waste heat generated from this process is recycled for cooling and heating and, in use, is expected to save 500-750 metric tonnes of CO2 each year.

To conclude, the interior of this complex is designed for society and especially for people with limited mobility, making it more accessible and attractive to people. The new development's interiors encourage active working, with sit-to-stand work stations for all employees and a central ramp spanning six floors that encourages movement through the building on foot. Two cycle centers and a wellness center incorporating on-site health services will also be available to all employees.
image from web-site:
2.4 The result of introducing the concept into the construction industry Of course, sustainable construction is gaining more popularity in developed countries. Where it is no longer enough for a developer to simply build to be in demand among people, 14 where a competitive market has formed, in which, without fair and confirmed facts about the positive aspects, it is difficult to attract your audience. To sum up, the commissioning and certification process is quite expensive and includes certain risks that the certificate may not be issued if violations are detected, and it must also give the project additional intangible value, creating added value for the consumer. And linking these facts with criticism of the theory of sustainability, one can indeed agree that the theory is well described, but for its application in life in weaker countries, a time must pass when a certain need for society arises.But in countries that have already grown to a level at which sustainable construction trends are actively applied, a comfortable urban environment that has a beneficial effect on society is being created.
2.5 Comparing two russian buildings In Russia only a very small percentage of new construction meets the requirements of sustainability and resilience. But even so, buildings that are built in compliance with all the recommendations have a beneficial effect on society and attract people. For a visual comparison will be two residential complexes built in St. Petersburg, at approximately the same time, where one will correspond to the theory of sustainability and resilience, and the other will be the complete opposite, which has a detrimental effect on the residents of this area. Skandi Klubb is a residential complex from a Swedish developer, which is located near the city center of St. Petersburg. The complex received the best score (platinum certificate) from the certifying organization GreenZoom. To obtain such a high rating, Bonava carried out a set of works to improve the energy and water efficiency of the facility. They have created favorable conditions for a comfortable life for the residents, using natural materials in the exterior of the buildings, and also made a courtyard without cars and placed elements of artificial relief throughout the courtyard of the complex. As a result, following the concepts of resilience and sustainability, the developer built an attractive facility for the community, and also reduced the cost of further building maintenance by 40%.(
image from web-site:
Graff Orlov is the complete opposite of the Bonava project is another residential complex positioning itself as the same class of housing. Unfortunately, the developer did not follow the concept of sustainability and resilience and created an array of housing too densely with the use of dominant high buildings that are not harmonious and not proportional with the person and the space of the volume. Too high density of housing is not provided in any way by courtyards, which are 85% of parking for cars and the continuation of development without organizing a working area that does not interfere with the owners of residential premises in the already built sections. In addition, the living quarters themselves are of very low quality with the connection of engineering systems that do not provide a comfortable life.
To sum up, too dense and massive construction of the Graf Orlov residential complex, without the organization of green spaces in the courtyard areas used for parking cars, puts pressure on a person, not contributing to a favorable perception of the object. Also, the developer, who was not focused on creating an object for future residents, did not have the goal of using expensive and durable materials and engineering systems, such as ventilation, with which problems constantly arose. On the other hand, we see that good objects are being implemented with competent zoning of courtyard areas, an air recuperator is installed in each apartment, in addition to a high-quality and environmentally friendly ventilation system. So, residential complexes positioning themselves in the same class in terms of housing level have a completely different impression on the consumer.

The conclusion

To conclude, in my opinion, turning to the theory of resilience and sustainability, developers begin to think more about the efficiency and economy of the building during operation, which in the end, even despite the higher cost of construction, due to the economical consumption of resources, becomes even more economically profitable than an object built without resorting to the theory of resilience and sustainability. And also, potential consumers have a better perception of new construction, which contributes to the emotional and psychological health of people interacting with the object, built according to the theory of sustainability and sustainability. I believe that our education as architects plays an important role and as we know the concepts of Resilience and Sustainability, we have the opportunity to take correct steps for realization and rely on the concept in our practical activities.

With the example of residential complexes that are identical in class and year of implementation, we clearly see what role the concept of resilience and sustainability plays in the construction sector. Developers focused on creating buildings for people and their comfort and health, as well as ready to apply to the appropriate organizations that promote a competent approach to construction based on the concepts of resilience and sustainability, create a large reserve for the future and implement a truly supportive and sustainable approach to life.

II. Reference list

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